Carpet Python

Morelia spilota

Scientific Name

Carpet Python:  
Morelia spilota

Distribution and Habitat

Geographic Range

The species is found throughout mainland Australia, with the exception of the arid center and the western regions. It is widely distributed throughout the forest regions of Southwest Australia. It is also found in Indonesia (southern Western New Guinea in Merauke Regency), Papua New Guinea (southern Western Province, the Port Moresby area of Central Province and on Yule Island).

Natural Habitat

Occurs in a wide variety of habitats, from rainforests, to arid, tree-less islands. Often found near human habitation where they perform a useful service by eating rats and other vermin. It is even know to occur in areas that receive snowfall..

Physical Characteristics

  • A large python, the average adult length is roughly 6.5 ft. Males are typically smaller than females, in some regions females are up to four times heavier. The head is triangular with a conspicuous row of thermo receptive labial pits. The patterning may be roughly diamond shaped or have intricate markings made up of light and dark bands on a background of gray or a version of brown.

Quick Facts

  1. Carpet pythons are also found in temperate grasslands with hot and dry weather.

  2. Even though the carpet python are tree snakes; they do not completely rely on trees, and are capable of moving around elsewhere.


Amphibian and Reptile Center

Conservation Status

Least Concern: The Carpet Python is common or abundant and is likely to survive in the wild.

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The diet consists mainly of small mammals, bats, birds and lizards. The carpet python kills their prey by constricting it. They are often the largest predator in their ecological community.