Zoo News

Feb 27, 2014

Celebrate International Polar Bear Day!

International Polar Bear Day is celebrated on February 27 every year. It serves as a day for everyone to take a little time to think about how our actions affect polar bears in the wild. As an arctic ambassador center the Buffalo Zoo wants to encourage people within our community to take action to reduce their carbon emissions today. The easiest thing you can do is turn your thermostat down just a degree or two!

Image courtesy of PolarBearsInternational.com. © Daniel J. Cox/Natural Exposures

Zoo employees have committed to doing five things at work today. These are simple actions that you can take at home too! Today, every Zoo employee will:

1. Turn off lights when they aren’t needed
2. Recycle at least one item
3. Use reusable mugs and water bottles instead of purchasing to-go cups or bottled beverages
4. Not idle vehicles
5. Power down computers at the end of the day

These may sound like small meaningless actions, but we know that they add up to big change. We encourage all employees do them not just today, but every day! The Buffalo Zoo hopes that you’ll make small changes too, and encourage your friends and family to do the same. When we all make small changes, we can have a big impact on climate change, and help to protect the arctic ice that polar bears need to survive!

For more information about International Polar Bear Day, and how you can get involved, check out Polar Bears International.

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