Zoo News

May 07, 2014

Featured BuffaLoveFest Vendor: WNYBAC

Our latest featured vendor is a really unique Buffalo organization. The Western New York Book Arts Center will be at BuffaLoveFest with hand-printed posters, cards, notebooks, and other one-of-a-kind goods. You’ll also have a chance to sign up for a membership or workshop to get some hands-on experience with their presses!

1. How do you/your products embody “BuffaLove”
WNYBAC, we strive to create a sense of community by bringing individuals together for a common cause. As an educational non- profit, we facilitate workshops, classes, summer camps, and field trips as a way to expose Buffalonians to the art of letterpress printing and other printmaking and bookmaking processes.

2. What are you selling at BuffaLoveFest on May 30th?
We will be selling our letterpress prints, cards, DIY Kits, Buffalo themed T-Shirts, blank notebooks and letterpress. Everything is handmade, one-of-a-kind, and supports a local non-profit!

3. How does your business contribute to our community?
WNYBAC holds a number of free workshops and events that are open to the public. One of these, Buffalo Bookfest is a long standing annual event focuses on printmaking and book arts and offers free hands on demonstrations. We also hold the “12 x 14” series at WNYBAC, which features 5 artists over the course of 12 months. Each artist is charged with conducting a free hands-on workshop that will be open to the general public.

Tickets for BuffaLoveFest are available now. Click here to get yours before they sell out!

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