Zoo News

Mar 13, 2020

Important Message about the Buffalo Zoo and COVID-19

Dear Buffalo Zoo Community:

Because nothing is more important than the health and safety of our guests, team members, and animals, the Buffalo Zoo is temporarily closed beginning Saturday, March 14 through Saturday, March 28, 2020. We believe this is the right decision for our community to help curb the spread of illness. It is important to note, there are no cases of COVID-19 at the Buffalo Zoo, including the animals in our care.

Our first responsibility is to provide exceptional animal care 24 hours a day, seven days a week, every day of the year. A team of animal care and operational staff are on-site to take care of the animals and during this time we’ll be engaging in deep cleaning and other projects that will get us ready to reopen.

We can’t wait to welcome you back to the Buffalo Zoo. In the meantime, below is some important information to know:

  • The Buffalo Zoo Easter Bunny Breakfast, programs, and group visits are canceled until further notice. Please check your email for more information on rescheduling or refunds. Our switchboard is open, so please call (716) 837-3900 with any questions about your specific event, program or activity.

  • Stay connected with us by visiting buffalozoo.org. As the situation is very fluid, I encourage all members of our Zoo community to visit as new information and updates become available, including information about when we will reopen.

  • We need your support. The Zoo relies heavily on its admissions, membership visits and ticket sales to provide exceptional care, food, and supplies for the animals and salaries for our zookeepers and other team members. Closing the Zoo during this time is the right decision, but it is also difficult and the loss of much needed revenue to support care of the animals is concerning.  Please consider a donation to our Annual Fund. Your financial contribution goes directly to the daily operations and care for our animals and our teams at the Buffalo Zoo. Thank you.

While there are many founded and unfounded recommendations and opinions about what to do to stay safe and healthy, we believe the best thing we can do is to stay calm and stay in communication. Below is an FAQ we’ve prepared to answer some commonly-asked questions you may have.

The Buffalo Zoo is committed to ensuring the health and safety of everyone in our community — humans and animals alike.  I am confident that by working together we will continue to do so.


Norah Fletchall

President and CEO

Buffalo Zoo

Q: Are the animals at the Zoo safe? Can COVID-19 be transmitted to animals?

A: Experts say there have been no reports of animals getting the active COVID-19 virus from people. The Zoo already has strict practices in place to prevent the transmission of any disease-inducing viruses between humans and animals. If you’ve ever visited the Zoo, you know that we have high standards for cleanliness and disinfection and we will continue to keep these protocols in place. Finally, we continue to carefully monitor the situation and stay in touch with government agencies for information and guidance.

Q. Is it safe for me and my family or group to visit the Zoo?

A: The Zoo is temporarily closed. We strongly encourage you to follow the recommendations of the CDC. Experts say proper handwashing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of illness.

Q. Are you still holding special events and programs?

A: The Easter Bunny Breakfast and all programs, group visits and other scheduled activities are canceled. Please check your e-mail for information on rescheduling or refunds or call (716) 837-3900.

Q. How can I find out more information about COVID-19 and the Buffalo Zoo?

A: Visit our website at buffalozoo.org for more information. To learn more about COVID-19 and what you can do to prevent the spread of illness visit cdc.gov

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