Polar Bears International President & CEO to Discuss Polar Bears in a Changing Arctic Thursday, March 8, 2012
The Canisius CollegeInstitute For the Study of Human-Animal Relations (ISHAR) and the Buffalo Zooare proud to co-host a special presentation to be given by Polar Bears International (PBI) President & CEO, Robert W. Buchanan at Canisius College on Thursday, March 8, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. The presentation, “Ambassadors for Change: Saving the Polar Bear,” will focus on the changes taking place in the Arctic, the impact these changes are having on polar bears and how small actions by individuals can have big results in helping to secure the species’ future. The presentation is FREE and open to the public. It will take place in the College’s Regis Room North (the second floor of the Student Center).
For more information, please call (716) 888-2770.
About Robert Buchanan, President & CEO, Polar Bears International (PBI) USA & Canada In the mid-1980s, Robert made his first trip to the Far North and saw his first polar bear in the
wild. He has returned every year since. Retired from a marketing role with a leading global beverage company, Robert joined PBI’s board of directors in 2000 and became president and CEO of both PBI USA and Canada. Robert’s vision is to help the world understand the importance of the Arctic ecosystems and to inspire individuals to take urgent action toward conserving the planet. He lives in Alaska with his wife, Carolyn Buchanan (Secretary, PBI USA& Canada).
About Polar Bears International (PBI)
Polar Bears International is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the worldwide conservation of the polar bear and its habitat through research, stewardship, and education. Visit their website to learn more about their programs at www.polarbearsinternational.org. About the Canisius College Institute For the Study of Human-Animal Relationships (ISHAR)
Canisius College affirms its strong commitment to the advancement of ethical thought as it pertains to mankind’s relationship with nature and the other species with which we share the planet. The Canisius College Institute for the Study of Human-Animal Relationships (ISHAR) is at the forefront of Human-Animal Studies, engaging Canisius students and members of our community in dialogs on pressing issues. Functions include: coordinating synergy among the graduate level Master’s Program in Anthrozoology, the undergraduate Animal Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation major, and for three undergraduate minors (Anthrozoology, Animal Behavior, and Zoo Biology); interdisciplinary coordination among the college’s animal-related programs and our Philosophy and Religious Studies programs; an Anthrozoology Speaker Series; biannual Anthrozoology symposia; and advocacy of animal welfare and conservation. For more information, please visit http://www.canisius.edu/ishar. About the BuffaloZoo
Founded in 1875, the Buffalo Zoo is the third oldest zoo in the United States. Each year, the Buffalo Zoo welcomes more than 400,000 visitors and is the most visited cultural attraction in Western New York. Located on 23.5 acres of Olmsted’s beautiful Delaware Park, the Buffalo Zoo houses approximately 1,200 endangered and domestic animals and offers visitors a variety of events and educational programs year-round. The Buffalo Zoo’s philosophy is to exhibit animals and plants in naturalistic settings that represent their native habitats. The Zoo is dedicated to providing visitors with a better understanding of nature, including how animals relate to each other, their environment and to humankind. For more information about the Buffalo Zoo, including the Zoo’s “Bundle Up For Polar Bears” initiative, which is taking place through March 16, visit www.buffalozoo.org.