baby gorilla

Buffalo Zoo Welcomes First Baby of 2016: A Gorilla

The Buffalo Zoo is thrilled to announce the birth of a baby western lowland gorilla. The baby was born on Sunday, January 10 at 11:04 p.m. to mother, 18-year-old Sydney, and father, 28-year-old Koga. Sydney has displayed strong maternal instincts … Continued

Nyah the Baby Gorilla

In September, we announced the birth of a baby gorilla to first time mom, Lily. Click here to see the original Jamie Kranz, gorilla keeper Our baby gorilla now has an official name (and gender!) We have determined to the … Continued

Meet our latest addition!!

The Buffalo Zoo is celebrating the birth of a baby western lowland gorilla. The baby was born on Wednesday, September 4 at 12:44 p.m. to first-time mother, 12-year-old Lily, and father, 26-year-old Koga. Lily has displayed strong maternal instincts and … Continued